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Sep 30

Site Suggestions

Posted by tomfolds5 in Untagged 

User Rating: / 3

longer latest videos

hey, just a random idea to make my life easy and maybe other users. was wondering if you could implement a drop down on the latest videos so show more in case you missed them, sometimes they slip of the front page and it makes them hard to find as i am intrested in watching the latest videos whatever they may be, so im not looking specfically for a certain catergory of show. it be nice to see either a drop down for the last 20 latest videos or a search function or caterogry based on the latest/newest vids.


Aug 19

Some insides about the site

Posted by Johny in Untagged 

User Rating: / 3

Well since the streaming update, not much happened. 

but after HSP ended, I decided slowly that it would be good, as a reward for your fidelity, to make some changes.

Mar 25

Pseudo Streaming and video optimization

Posted by trinita in Untagged 

User Rating: / 5

I spent last 10 days working on a more reliable solution for streaming videos. 

With some external help, it has been implemented on this site:   a similar setup as youtube for instance, using lighttpd with its module h264 

We get a bandwitch reduction and moreover the possibility to seek in the video's timeline, giving a lot more confort to users, especially with videos that are over 40 minutes average.

Feb 06

How to - Tutorial - Setting up ffmpeg

Posted by trinita in x264 , ubuntu , mp4 , ffmpeg-php , ffmpeg

User Rating: / 2

I have recently been working on compiling ffmpeg from svn. doing a built from svn including all recent librairies, such as x264, latest lib theora and many others. Since the goal is the quality for this site and its future server, coming next month (we will be running a 2TO quad core , top notch box believe me) I m working on all server side installation..

Most of the aspects are pretty easy in fact. FFmpeg, so important for a video site, is pretty much the most complicated task that I have to do with the server admin.

Nov 15

For the few of you who will read this

Posted by trinita in , poker tv , Online Poker , Live Poker , 2M2MM

User Rating: / 5

Since I have a poker site, I have been constantly struggling against everyone.

As a small unknown site, it is very hard to get advertized by bigger site. And there is several simple reasons for that: 

Oct 20

Small mtt

Posted by fix in Pokerstars , , poker , Online Poker

User Rating: / 1

Yesterday I played a 5.5$ rb/addon 

it started with 2880 players and I made 15.. just before the money prize was getting serious. Still a 220$ cash: I bought one rebuy and one addon 

Oct 16

won my first mtt

Posted by trinita in Pokerstars , poker

User Rating: / 2

Since I am back at pokerstars, I decided to play some micro mtt's, mostly the 40k gtd 5$ RB/A that starts at night (in europe I mean).

I have been running very good I guess. Doing like 5 itm in 6 tournament. Yesterday I felt it wasn't going my way on the 5rb so I register for a 4.4$ 1k field capped, 2k gtd.. (pretty low yea..) 

Oct 11

Mail server

Posted by trinita in , poker tv

User Rating: / 1

This server is up for over 2 weeks now and yet , we don't have any mailing system working..

When this doesn't seems a big issue, in fact it can be a problem: a public site should be able to be contacted for any kind of reasons. 

Oct 06

x264 Video Compression = big success

Posted by trinita in video compression , test , , poker tv

User Rating: / 1

After some hours, Robert Swain from the ffmpeg project had done most of his job.

He tested mp4 conversions on several quality levels and commands; some results were incredibly good, using HD original video from vimeo, but as expected, very heavy sized.

Oct 03

Videos settings being tested

Posted by trinita in test , , poker tv , PAD , Online Poker , HSP

User Rating: / 1

Since I am in charge of everything, this includes uploading latest videos.

Apart from this weird episode with 2M2MM that took over the rest for the last 2 months (lol indeed) , I thought time came to put serious stuff on here. Quality stuff, unlike this show.